Let's use SymPy to derive the relation between potential V and charge density R
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%pylab inline
from sympy.interactive import init_printing
from sympy import pi, var, S, Piecewise, piecewise_fold
var("r R")
Vh = Piecewise((-S(2)/3 * pi * (3*R**2 - r**2), r <= R), (-S(4)/3 * pi * R**3 / r, True))
def laplace(f):
return (r*f).diff(r, 2)/r
print "Vh ="
Charge density is then:
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from numpy import (empty, pi, meshgrid, linspace, sum, sin, exp, shape, sqrt,
from numpy.fft import fftn, fftfreq, ifftn
N = 100
print "N =", N
L = 2.4*4
R = 1.
x1d = linspace(-L/2, L/2, N+1)[:-1]
x, y, z = meshgrid(x1d, x1d, x1d, indexing="ij")
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
nr = empty(shape(x), dtype="double")
nr[:] = 0
nr[r <= R] = -1
Vanalytic = empty(shape(x), dtype="double")
Vanalytic[r <= R] = -2./3 * pi * (3*R**2 - r[r <= R]**2)
Vanalytic[r > R] = -4./3 * pi * R**3 / r[r > R]
ng = fftn(nr) / N**3
G1d = N * fftfreq(N) * 2*pi/L
kx, ky, kz = meshgrid(G1d, G1d, G1d)
G2 = kx**2+ky**2+kz**2
G2[0, 0, 0] = 1 # omit the G=0 term
tmp = 2*pi*abs(ng)**2 / G2
tmp[0, 0, 0] = 0 # omit the G=0 term
E = sum(tmp) * L**3
print "Hartree Energy (calculated): %.15f" % E
Vg = 4*pi*ng / G2
Vg[0, 0, 0] = 0 # omit the G=0 term
V = ifftn(Vg).real * N**3
V += Vanalytic[N/2, N/2, N/2] - V[N/2, N/2, N/2]
l2_norm = sum((Vanalytic - V)**2)
print "l2_norm = ", l2_norm
plot(x[:, N/2, N/2], Vanalytic[:, N/2, N/2], label="analytic")
plot(x[:, N/2, N/2], V[:, N/2, N/2], label="FFT")
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